7 Advantages of Redesigning Your Website and How You Can Make Full Use of It

Many companies’ perception of website redesign is that it is an unnecessary task that is not only cost intensive, but time-consuming as well. However, in this Digital age where there is increased reliance on online platforms to obtain information and knowledge, investing in a website redesign once every 1.5 years comes with a multitude of benefits for your business that make it worth the price tag.

Website redesigning doesn’t have to be entirely revamped in one shot too. Necessary updates once in a while can be easier, cheaper and faster than you think. And if you have trouble finding the right talents to design a web page for you, there are many available sites for you to compare vendors.

If you are still thinking about whether or not to invest your money into renovating your website, here are 7 reasons that will convince you that website redesign will benefit your company.

Increased search engine rankings

Generation of valuable content constantly on your website helps to optimize your SEO points. The more keywords there are in the content on your website which is relevant to your business, the more your SEO points increase. The frequency of updating your website to keep it up to date and current will also be taken into account with Google’s algorithms. The increased SEO points help increase your search engine rankings that help boost your company’s presence in the digital world. This is an effective way to drive traffic to your website, allowing more potential customers to easily find you, which translates into more leads.

Increased user experience

The more you optimize your website by making it user-friendly, and efficient for your target audience to use, the more valuable your website is to your customers. Hence, it is important to constantly look for ways to improve the aesthetics and functionality of your website. This can be done by changing the outlook of your website or making sure that your website links and gadgets work smoothly. This is to enhance the user experience, and ensure that this gateway domain to leading consumers to your products or service is effective. Therefore, investing time and effort into redesigning your website will increase customer satisfaction which will generate more leads and hence more sales.

Increased social sharing

A good website that has important and relevant content for your target audience will interest more servers, and entice customers to browse through your web page and share the content with their friends. This can be done on highly influential social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. The higher number of shares will lead to greater amounts of traffic to your web page. This will hence lead to a greater outreach of your business. Increased social sharing will ultimately generate more leads and increase sales.

Widgets improve the usability of your website

As the Digital Age progresses, businesses are implementing more gadgets and widgets on their websites to cater to the needs of their consumers. For example, many websites have chat boxes to provide faster replies to customer inquiries. The redesigning of your website will keep it more trendy and usable, which will lead to customer satisfaction and experience. All these will lead to a better impression of your company as well which will increase conversion rates.

Mobile platforms

With mobile web use now strongly outweighing desktop use, it is crucial for companies to have a responsive website. With a responsive website, it means that your website can now be automatically resized to fit screens of various sizes, be it on an Apple iPhone or a Laptop device. By making it convenient for consumers to view your site, it is easier to retain their loyalty, rather than click away because your website doesn’t work on their Samsung.

Take a look at some of our other articles on mobile app development to get more ideas on how to get started with this.

Faster load times

The most important aspect of all online platforms today is the load time. As people are getting more and more impatient about connectivity speed, an updated server will provide a lesser lag time when serving your website. This will appease more consumers and allow them the opportunity to use check out your products with fewer interruptions.

More sales

The most important aspect ultimately, that all companies are looking for is increased conversion rates. With a good website that is kept up to date about your latest product launch and services, will draw in more customers who actually require your product. This will lead to the generation of more leads and increased sales.



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